onsdag 30 november 2011
måndag 28 november 2011
söndag 27 november 2011
lördag 26 november 2011
Bara så ni vet

tisdag 22 november 2011
- Vad gör jag nu?
- Vad gör jag nu? frågade bonden.
- Jodå det har gått alldeles utmärkt, jag har upptäckt att den vite är 10 cm högre än den svarte!

söndag 20 november 2011
lördag 19 november 2011
fredag 18 november 2011
tisdag 15 november 2011
måndag 14 november 2011
söndag 13 november 2011
lördag 12 november 2011
Nouvelle Vague - Too drunk to fuck
The single reached Number 36 in the UK Singles Chart, although it was not stocked in some record shops because of its provocative title. It was the first UK Top 40 single to include the word "fuck" in its title. It was banned from Radio 1 airplay by the BBC. In chart listings, it was usually referred to as "Too Drunk To". When it reached the Top 40, presenter Tony Blackburn referred to it simply as "a record by the Dead Kennedys". The Dead Kennedys supplied a sticker for some record stores who took offense to the title which said, "Caution: You are the victim of yet another stodgy retailer afraid to warp your mind by revealing the title of this record so peel slowly and see..."
The song features a heavy surf rock/garage rock riff from guitarist East Bay Ray and satirical lyrics from Jello Biafra that paint a trenchant picture of an outrageous, moronic party. The song ends with a sound of a man vomiting.
After the rest of the band were awarded the rights to the Dead Kennedys material, they licensed "Too Drunk to Fuck" for use in the film Grindhouse. Almost immediately, Biafra criticized his former bandmates, specifically citing the song (a cover by Nouvelle Vague) being used in a rape scene in the movie, saying "Some people will do anything for money." The rest of the band responded in kind, challenging him to donate his share of the money to charity.
Canal Piss