onsdag 31 augusti 2011
Frank Andersson, misslyckad och utnyttjad

Bad Brains - Redbone in the city

tisdag 30 augusti 2011
måndag 29 augusti 2011
Tredje pris
söndag 28 augusti 2011
Deltar i
lördag 27 augusti 2011
"kuken ska ha sitt"

A Yorkshire man ...
about me cat."
fredag 26 augusti 2011
Frank Andersson, Geni

Can you read this without making a mistake?
The following was developed as a mental age assessment by the School of
Psychiatry at Harvard University .
Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without a
They say the average person over 45 years of age cannot do it!
1. This is this cat.
2. This is is cat.
3. This is how cat.
4. This is to cat.
5. This is keep cat.
6. This is an cat.
7. This is old cat.
8. This is fart cat.
9. This is busy cat.
10. This is for cat.
11. This is forty cat.
12. This is seconds
Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top down.
Adrenaline O.D. - The nice song

torsdag 25 augusti 2011
Knallebladet (4)
Desperat kille i Grästorp
onsdag 24 augusti 2011
Naughty Joke
and a Black kid,
at least an inch longer.
school today.
during recess,
our weenies,
Accept - Fast as a shark
tisdag 23 augusti 2011
I Paris

Deutschland über alles 2


Thomas Rusiak feat. Teddybears Sthlm - Hiphopper

måndag 22 augusti 2011
Simskolan på Såtenäs
Aftonbladet förnekar sig inte

lördag 20 augusti 2011
Massor av fotboll

Monica Lewinsky prayer
over her lack of ability to lose weight was depressing her.
God for help.
fredag 19 augusti 2011
This place is a mess! C'mon!
You and I need to clean up!
Your stuff is lying on the floor and
you'll have no clothes to wear if we
don't do laundry right now!
What a man hears:
blah,blah,blah,blah, C'MON
blah,blah,blah,blah, YOU AND I
blah, blah,blah,blah, ON THE FLOOR
blah,blah,blah,blah, NO CLOTHES
blah,blah,blah,blah, RIGHT NOW