Generation X är en beteckning på personer födda mellan 1961 och 1979, det är också namnet på ett London band som från början hette Chelsea men senare bytte namn. Generation X gjorde sin första spelning i december 1976, bandets sångare hette William Broad han gjorde senare solokarriär under namnet Billy Idol. Valley of the dolls gavs ut 1979 och det var bandets andra skiva producerad av ingen mindre än Ian Hunter.
Min kompis Tommy hade den här skivan och den lyssnade vi mycket på 1980, särskillt låten King Rocker som även blev en stor hit i England. Paradise West är en riktigt skön låt när jag lyssnar på den nu, låter nästan lite David Bowie eller vad tycker ni?

A sixteen hundred
packed with angry young men
Came burning down mainstreet
I touched the epiphone that hung on my hip
It knew the sound of my heartbeat
But turning the corner
In a twisted heap
They pulled some bodies
From an upturned Ford
Some kid looked at me and said it's only life
Might as well use it while we're young,
Might as well use it while we're young
I queued with some friends
outside the ABC one
Yeah De Niros so great, and you know last week
I saw the universe in flames
But it's always the same like Citizen Kane
Y'end up with nothing and you leave for home
Talking and kicking coke cans in the street
As Fu Manchu Looks on,
As Fu Manchu Looks on
And I thought they must think I'm crazy
The things I'll see for fun
Then in my mind I saw the enemy
And I wasted him with my gun
I thought of my brother working Heathrow
Flying engines in the night
Learning every part he'll be through in years
When I'm signed on for life
Lying here waiting for a hero to rise
But a lazy man lies back instead
No one hears the young man when he's alone
Planning to kill someone,
Planning to kill someone
And I thought it must be me who's crazy
The things I'll do for fun
Choosing poison to get to paradise
Paradise west one
And I thought it must be me who's crazy
The things I'll do for fun
Choosing poison to get to paradise
Paradise west one
packed with angry young men
Came burning down mainstreet
I touched the epiphone that hung on my hip
It knew the sound of my heartbeat
But turning the corner
In a twisted heap
They pulled some bodies
From an upturned Ford
Some kid looked at me and said it's only life
Might as well use it while we're young,
Might as well use it while we're young
I queued with some friends
outside the ABC one
Yeah De Niros so great, and you know last week
I saw the universe in flames
But it's always the same like Citizen Kane
Y'end up with nothing and you leave for home
Talking and kicking coke cans in the street
As Fu Manchu Looks on,
As Fu Manchu Looks on
And I thought they must think I'm crazy
The things I'll see for fun
Then in my mind I saw the enemy
And I wasted him with my gun
I thought of my brother working Heathrow
Flying engines in the night
Learning every part he'll be through in years
When I'm signed on for life
Lying here waiting for a hero to rise
But a lazy man lies back instead
No one hears the young man when he's alone
Planning to kill someone,
Planning to kill someone
And I thought it must be me who's crazy
The things I'll do for fun
Choosing poison to get to paradise
Paradise west one
And I thought it must be me who's crazy
The things I'll do for fun
Choosing poison to get to paradise
Paradise west one

Chelsea 1976, Billy Idol på gitarr, men med Gen X 1977 har han bytt till sång
1 kommentar:
Ett av världshistoriens mest underskattade band. Så många bra låtar! De är otroligt bortglömda. Mycket för att Billy Idol kanske blev lite väl pajsig ett tag på 80-talet? Även om jag tycker att mycket av hans låtar från 80-talet faktiskt är riktigt bra, men som sagt, GenX var ett fantastiskt band. Är dock för ung för att komma ihåg dem själv, även om jag tillhör den generationen (född 76).
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