Religious Council adviser Nooh Gadot has said that wearing football jerseys displaying images of crosses, liquor brands and devils were forbidden in Islam. "It is as if Muslims are worshipping and exalting the symbols of other religions. Islam does not compromise on this matter, regardless of whether it is worn for fun, fashion or sport," he said. Among the football teams whose crests carry images of the cross are Brazil, Portugal, Serbia, Barcelona and Norway, while Manchester United carries the "Red Devil" slogan on its team crest. (ANI) att leva i länder som har kors på sin flagga går tydligen bra!

2 kommentarer:
Ja, men så har vi ju socialbidrag. Kanske är det ok för Allah då?
hehe ja och ett rättssystem som inte dömmer pedofiler alltför hårt (profeten Mohammed gifte sig med en sexårig flicka)
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