onsdag 4 november 2009


An Italian motorcyclist is appealing after he lost his licence when speed cameras clocked him at an impossible 383 mph = 616 km/h. Paolo Turina, 26 - who also copped a £200 fine - claims the speed camera was clearly so defective the charge should never have been brought. "If I could go that fast I'd enter my bike in the MotoGP world championships. Valentino Rossi would not stand a chance. What did they think they were clocking - a jet fighter?" asked Mr Turina, of Cernusco Lombardone. "If the court rules the fine will stand then I'm going to send it to the Guinness Book of Records - after all if the court says its true then I should get the credit for this remarkable feat." Police claim the camera was working perfectly but said they suspected bungling staff botched the charge paperwork. The appeal court has not yet made a decision on the case. www.ananova.com/News/story/sm_3545802.html

Det där papperet skulle jag rama in, jag har råkat ut för någonting liknande en gång! när jag var 18 år körde jag hem en kompis som då bodde i Häggesled, när jag kört en 100 m in på en grusväg stoppas jag av polisen som påstod att de klockat mig i en hastighet jag tidigare aldrig lyckats skrämma upp min gamla bil i - tror det var i en hastighet av 140-150 km/h, men det sa jag aldrig till dem. Jag hade en gammal Volvo 144 med överväxel, slö, slö men pålitlig!

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